100% Pure Eucalyptus Oil

from $22.00

A distinct uplifting and cleansing scent of Polybractea Eucalyptus Trees, this pure 100% Eucalyptus essential oil helps stimulate the senses and clears the mind. The main component of our eucalyptus oil is, 1,8-cineole, a natural compound that has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. The cineole concentration of the eucalyptus polybractea levels ranges between 90% - 92% making it a high quality oil. No additives, blending or rectifications are made to our oil. It comes straight from the trees, steamed and distilled. Can be used to treat head colds, flu symptoms, sore muscles and more, and should always be applied to the skin by blending it with a jojoba carrier oil or likewise carrier oil.

Usage: Add a few drops to a diffuser, moisturiser or bath water. Add a few drops to your washing machine for freshening and antibacterial benefits to your clothes.

For supplier enquiries on bulk amounts of Eucalyptus Oil please email us direct to hello@wattlegroveeuca.com.au

Due to Australian Post regulations we cannot ship our Eucalyptus Oil via Express Post nationally or Internationally.

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